Consumers prefer effective outage communications as measure of EDB performance
Measures around outage communications were the preferred tools to judge EDB performance according to ENA’s latest consumer reference panel meeting.
Read moreSector needs more responsive regulatory regime, ENA says
ENA has told the Commerce Commission that responding to climate change is not optional for electricity lines companies and that the sector needs a more responsive regulatory regime to deal with the challenges of electrification.
Read moreManaging the impact of EV charging on grid demand
ENA is proposing changes to regulatory settings that would make it a requirement that local lines companies are notified of any new electric vehicle charger installations in homes.
Read moreRegulatory settings need changing for climate change adaptation
ENA’s submission on the draft National Adaptation Plan (NAP) argued the current regulatory settings need to change to effectively manage the emerging risks and opportunities of climate change.
Read moreMassive funding boost will support EDB upgrades
Government funding to support upgrades to distribution networks through a ten-fold increase in the ‘GIDI’ fund is a key outcome from the first Emissions Reduction Plan.
Read moreTransformation Update
Electricity networks today released updated guidance to support New Zealand’s climate change goals and help homes and businesses embrace leading-edge technologies creating a new energy future.
Read moreENA and members lay out priorities to Commerce Commission
The Commission held a stakeholder workshop in December to drill into the responses to its open letter from earlier in the year around potential changes to Part 4 of the Commerce Act.
Read moreCommerce Commission praises lines companies' asset management plans
Electricity networks are heartened by Commerce Commission recognition of industry efforts to support decarbonisation, said Graeme Peters, chief executive of the Electricity Networks Association (ENA).
Read moreEncouraging industrial use of electricity
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is working on new policy that encourages customers to use electricity for process heat.
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