New ENA board members elected

News 03 November 2017

Three new board members were elected at the ENA annual general meeting on October 20. They are:

  • Jason Franklin, chief executive of PowerNet;
  • Neil Simmonds, chief executive of Electra
  • Andrew Tombs, chief executive of Alpine Energy

Strictly speaking, Neil Simmonds is not a new director as he served on the board more than a decade ago as chief executive of Counties Power.

The new appointments follow the retirement of Aurora Energy's Grady Cameron and MainPower's Bruce Emson at the AGM in Wellington. Northpower's Mark Gatland and Counties' Sheridan Broadbent had retired ahead of the AGM. 

Four directors were re-elected -  Nigel Barbour, Powerco; Andre Botha, Vector; Rob Jamieson, Orion; and Ken Sutherland, Unison

ENA Chair Ken Sutherland thanked the outgoing board members and noted in particular the contribution of Grady Cameron, who completed a seven-year term

ENA members also approved a sweeping overhaul of the ENA’s rules to bring them up to date with best practice and meet expected new legislation.