Improving the electricity connections journey and a new glossary

News 30 January 2025

Through the Future Networks Forum, we’re working to streamline and improve the customer experience when connecting to the electricity network. The 'connections journey mapping' project is bringing lines companies together to align processes, making it easier for customers.

After engaging with charge point operators, large distributed generation customers, and lines companies to understand their challenges, the project team identified 13 actions to enhance the connections process — from pre-application to delivery. Further feedback has shown they will benefit other connections stakeholders too.

First milestone achieved! We’ve developed a sector-wide glossary to standardise terminology across all lines companies, making communication clearer and more consistent. You may remember our glossary from last year — this new version now includes key pricing and connection terms. Check it out here: electricity sector glossary

What’s next? The team is focusing on quick wins first, with longer-term improvements to follow. By the end of March, the aim is to:

  • standardise information on EDB websites (FAQs, contact guides
  • align customer processes for a more consistent experience
  • ask the same key questions at the application stage
  • implement standardised pre-application meetings.

Throughout the project, we're working closely with the Electricity Engineers'​ Association of New Zealand and the Electricity Authority (who are also doing work in this space) to ensure that the projects align nicely and we can create real improvements for customers wanting to connect to the network.