Announcing the Future Networks Forum

A reset and repurposing of the Smart Tech Working Group (STWG) into the Future Networks Forum has advanced successfully.
Formed in 2015, the STWG’s areas of interest and discussion have broadened considerably beyond simply ‘smart technology’. Following a recent review by working group members, the group considered it was now appropriate to reset focus to best meet the needs of both consumers and the sector overall.
One of the key changes in the approach of the Future Networks Forum will be to become as outward/sector-facing as it has been internal/electricity distribution business-facing, and to best work with sector partners to deliver the future consumers want.
To help deliver on its new direction, the Forum is currently establishing the following three key workstreams:
- outreach with purpose
- strategic context
- collaborative solutions
The outreach workstream will entail developing a deliberate engagement plan, including by using external channels, to increase understanding of consumers’ and stakeholders’ evolving needs and pain points in their interfaces with EDBs. The direction, development plans and solutions will be tested with other ENA working groups as well as relevant industry groups and stakeholders. Recognising that one of the most valued benefits of the STWG was the chance to connect with peers across the ENA and share challenges, opportunities and ideas, the workstream will organise quarterly ‘innovation forums’ open to representatives from all EDBs (replacing the previous STWG meetings, and discussing progress in the three main workstreams), and an annual ‘unconference’ for stakeholders from the whole sector.
The strategic workstream will explore existing sector assumptions, inflexion points and potential 2050 scenarios, and build greater understanding of consumer and stakeholder segmentation and the decarbonisation journey. This workstream will also explore and agree the future roles and functions of EDBs in those scenarios.
The collaborative solutions workstream will coordinate with EDBs, the EEA, retailers, flexibility providers, DG investors, Transpower and other stakeholders to develop aligned solutions that work for the whole system. These will be particularly focused on areas where consistency between EDBs is important.
While the STWG has enjoyed strong membership from a wide range of EDBs, the Forum is keen to grow its membership and ensure as many EDBs are represented as possible. Any EDB representatives keen to express an interest in participating in one or more of the three workstreams is welcome to do so at
Details of the first quarterly innovation forum, and the annual unconference, will be confirmed in the coming months.